Paycheck Or Pay Check
So if you elect to save 10 of your income in your companys 401k plan 10 of your pay will come out of each paycheck. A paycheck is the bank check that is given to an employee by their employer to pay them for their work. A Guide On How To Read Your Pay Stub Accupay Systems A wage or salary See the full definition for paycheck in the English Language Learners Dictionary. Paycheck or pay check . Number check date check amount and pay period. Paycheck to paycheck is an expression used to describe an individual who would be unable to meet financial obligations if unemployed because his or her salary. Instead of paying cash to your workers paying them by checks can be more convenient for you. The money that you regularly earn. As an employer you can choose to pay your employees by cash checks or direct deposits on a daily weekly or bi-monthly basis. There will be a payslip also attached to the payroll check which gives the details of taxes and other information. Pay Pay...